




Poetry Writing and Submission with Lilith Acadia






 リリス・アカディア(Lilith Acadia)


  • 国立台湾大学外国語文学科の助理教授、台北詩社(Taipei Poetry Collective)、Codex オンライン・スペキュレイティブ・フィクション作家コミュニティ(Codex Writers)のメンバー。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校博士、『ニューオリンズレビュー』、『Star*Line 文学季刊』、『Strange Horizons スペキュレイティブ・フィクション週刊』、『trampset 文学期刊』等で詩作を発表している。

    SNS アカウント:@acadialogue/サイト:www.acadiaink.com
  • Lilith Acadia is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at National Taiwan University and a member of the Taipei Poetry Collective and Codex Writers. Lilith earned a PhD from the University of California Berkeley and has published poetry in New Orleans ReviewStar*LineStrange Horizonstrampset, and elsewhere.

    Connect social media (@acadialogue) or at www.acadiaink.com



 その 1 

Crafting Current Events Poetry


  開催時間   4/6(日)14:00 - 16:00

  会場   悦読館


  This hands-on workshop will lead participants through reading and composing poetry inspired by news stories. After introductions, we will read and discuss some examples, primarily published by other poets though also including one or two from my project. I will provide a large selection of news stories on a range of topics (e.g. nature, human interest, politics, sports, strange news) from which they can choose, and then lead the participants through recommended steps for drafting a poem. In small groups, they will share their poems and give one another supportive critique. Then we will discuss revising poems. Each participant will produce one polished poem during the workshop, and come away with the skills to write more on their own.


*このセッションは台北詩社(Taipei Poetry Collective)と共同開催します。




 その 2 

Creative Writing Submission


  開催時間   4/13(日)14:00 - 16:00

  会場   繆思苑


  This workshop is designed to empower emerging writers to begin submitting their work for publication. If a writer is considering diving into the rip current of poetry submissions, this workshop offers a rope, and the opportunity to work through knots including: selecting publications; budgeting time; keeping organized, drafting important texts such as cover letters, bios, and responses to editors; preparing manuscripts; submission etiquette, and tips. Participants will have the chance to introspect about their own goals and interests, discuss with peers and develop a network, and write key texts they will need in order to start submitting. The workshop will also provide helpful templates and step-by-step instructions to demystify what can be an overwhelming process.





 注意   以上活動は主に英語で行われます。
      These workshops will be primarily conducted in English.



