Craig A. Smith(クレイグ・A・スミス)
- 国立中正大学台湾文学研究所修士、カナダ・ブリティッシュコロンビア大学歴史博士、研究分野は日中思想関係、翻訳史、現在はオーストラリア・メルボルン大学アジア研究所翻訳研究学科専任教授。翻訳に東方白、葉石濤、陳耀昌小説作品がある。代表作は『Chinese Asianism: 1894-1945』(ハーバード大学アジア研究センター、2021 年)、2025 年 1 月に商務印書館から中国語翻訳版『中華亞細亞主義:1894₋1945 年』が刊行予定。
その 1
Inter-Asian Translation: Remembering Zhang Wojun
開催時間 11/16(土)14:00 - 16:00
会場 繆思苑
Zhang Wojun was a Chinese-Japanese translator and educator in the early twentieth century and also played an important role in establishing Taiwan's New Literature in the 1920s. However, ambiguities in his identity have led to a complicated historical memory.
This presentation will follow the changing memory and commemoration of Zhang Wojun, showing how different perspectives have cherry-picked from decades of his life and work yet continually failed to consider the complicated contexts of Zhang's intellectual landscape.
その 2
Inter-Asian Translation: Writing in Tâi-gí for Japanese Colonizers
開催時間 11/23(土)14:00 - 16:00
会場 繆思苑
二十世紀初,許多人開始用台語撰寫小說,但並非所有的作家都是臺灣人。本講座將介紹小野真盛 1914 年的多語短篇小說《戀の羅福星》,以及他如何透過演講和寫作來翻譯臺灣,藉此為殖民者提供指導。小野真盛對臺灣文學的貢獻展現了殖民地文學翻譯非常獨特的一面。
In the early twentieth century, many people began writing fiction in Tâi-gí as part of the New Literature Movement. However, not all of the writers were Taiwanese. This presentation will focus on Ono Mamoru and his mixed-language 1914 short story "Koi no Ra Fukuboshi" (恋の羅福星), as well as his work to educate colonizers through the translation and introduction of Taiwanese speeches and writings. Ono's contributions to Taiwan Literature show a very different side of colonial literary translation.
注意:活動は主に華語で行われます。Mandarin will be main language in these activities.