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2025 駐村作家

Ivan Gros

  • Place of birth:France
  • Resident Date:2025/03/01-2025/03/30


Born in France in 1974, he is a scholar in the humanities, a printmaking artist, and more recently, a comic book creator. He holds a PhD in Comparative Literature and has served as an associate professor, teaching for about twelve years at Fu Jen Catholic University and National Central University in Taiwan. During this time, he published numerous academic articles as a scholar. He has been engaged in printmaking for over twenty years and frequently visits the "​Firebox Print Studio" in Shilin, Taipei. His print works have been published in a book in Taiwan. His first comic/graphic novel tells the story of a pregnant woman exiled to the largest women's concentration camp in the Third Reich, inspired by a large collection of drawings created by the exiled women themselves.

Resident planning

Ivan Gros, the recipient of the "Villa Formose 2025 - Book Creation Residency Program," a collaboration between the National Museum of Taiwan Literature and the Bureau français de Taipei, will host four lectures during his residency. These events will focus on printmaking, essays, graphic novels, and documentary comics.【福爾摩沙藝術駐村-書籍創作駐村計畫(Villa Formose - livre)獲得法國藝文推廣總署支持,隸屬「駐地創作」計畫一環。Avec le soutien de l'Institut Français, dans le cadre de La Fabrique des Résidences.】

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