2024 駐村作家
Alice Shy
- Place of birth:Czech
- Resident Date:2024/04/12-2024/05/02
Alice graduated from the International ART CAMPUS Prague and the Metropolitan University Prague. She focuses on creating fantasy novels for young adults with emphasis on psychology. She is an enthusiastic art lover. Currently she works as an assistant of the Director of the Museum of Czech Literature. She started writing when she was 12 years old. she wrote poems and short fantasy stories at that time. Later she focused on creating long psychological fantasy novels. She studied literature, art, creative writing, and journalism on the International Art Campus Prague and Media studies on the Metropolitan University Prague. She since finished writing 6 books even though she published only 1. Her first published work is fantasy novel Tvůrce osudu (The Creator of Destiny) which is a first part of a long fantasy saga. She also translated a cook book Prospěšný med (The Goodness of Honey). She worked for 3 years (2017–2020) as an editor and later an editor-in-chief in a small family run publishing houses Knihy Omega and Knihy Fenix.
Resident planning
During the residency Alice plans to write a historical psychological fantasy novelette which takes place in a fictional world on a fictional island which resembles Taiwan. The island has been invaded by an emperor who is trying to bring it under his rule. The local residents resist him, that's why a terrible war is going on. The story follows life of the two main characters – the son of an emperor and the healer who takes care of the emperor’s sick son. Alice would like to invite a public during creative writing workshops to help her create parts of the story. The aim of the residency is to not only create a story but to communicate with local people, to invite them to help her during her creative process and to explore the possibility of creative writing and human interconnection and interaction. The name of the project – Help me – describes not only the pursuit of the main character to seek help and to heal the pain of the body and the mind but also her pursuit to invite people to help her create a meaningful and deep story and to seek friendship with locals who are interested in literature.