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2023 駐村作家

Albert Tam

  • Place of birth:Hong Kong
  • Resident Date:2023/09/01-2023/09/10


Albert Tam is a fiction author who has won awards in various genres in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and has been selected as a writer for the theme of “Science Fiction and Reasoning” in the 2019 Hong Kong Book Fair. Due to his long-standing interest in artificial intelligence, and wrote a related science fiction novel Humanoid Software more than ten years ago, which won the Gold Medal for the Best Long Novel in the first Chinese Science Fiction Star Awards. Since 2019, he has contributed to the series “Detective Icehouse: A Collection of Hong Kong Speculative Fiction”, the titles of which are a combination of place names and names of animals. In these works, Max, a private detective, will investigate cases in various districts of Hong Kong, touching of topics such as ethnic minorities, communal house culture, community development and cultural preservation, among others. His debut novel African Lions in Chungking Mansions was adapted into a musical. His newest work is a speculative fiction novel entitled Szeto's Death to be published by Gaia Culture at the end of August.

Resident planning

Butterflies and Moths is a novel set in Taipei, which not only explores the survival problems of foreigners, but also ponders whether the artificial intelligence-assisted dating is a personal choice or a choice arranged by artificial intelligence. He explores the question: Is the freedom of human love (also known as free will) disappearing due to Big Data and the notion that “AI understands you better than you do” posited by technology companies? This story is about whether technology solely brings convenience, or else contributes to the distortion and alienation of human nature.

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