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2022 駐村作家

Hsu, En-En

  • Place of birth: New Taipei City
  • Resident Date:2022/09/21-2022/10/18


Hsu grew up in Kaohsiung, and has an academic background in sociology. Most of the written works are reviews, investigations and special feature reports. She is the co-author of the academic paper "The Story of 'We-NGO' : Explaining the Networks and Solidarity of the Sunflower Occupy Movement" was published in Taiwanese Journal of Sociology, Vol. 38. Her short story "Washing Feet" won the Kaohsiung Youth Literature Award, and essay "Mint with Callisia Repens" won the Takow Feng Yi Literature Award. Hsu runs her own blog, "Echoes of Water", and podcast, "White Noise". To date, Hsu has a wide range of work experiences, and the varying gigs she is engaged in are astonishing.

Resident planning

The period of residency is 28 days, which is coincidentally a full menstrual cycle. I will write essays such as weekly diaries, treating myself as an experimental body and observing what kind of revelation my body will have when placed in the residency environment. Continuing the style of previous works, there will be creative essays that tend to be fantastical and intimate, as well as critical essays that focus on menstrual-related issues. The results of the residency program "Waiting for the Menstruation: Dissent, Co-creation, and Wetness" will also be dynamically reflected in the prose.

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