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2022 駐村作家

Miru Xiumuyi

  • Place of birth:TAIWAN
  • Resident Date:2022/07/19-2022/08/01


Miru Xiumuyi explores the expression and interpretation of various art forms, from the poeticism in written language, to the dialogue between body and space in contemporary dance of performing arts. Through the artistic practice and philosophical imagination of video creation or virtual worlds on the Internet, the collision of somatosensory perception and architectural elements is recognized, while also linking the experience of cross-disciplinary co-creation to observe the interactive and intertwined relationship between people and the city. Of Atayal heritage, Miru is the director and producer of the Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company and an independent curator. She holds an MFA degree from the Graduate Institute of Transdisciplinary Art from National Kaohsiung Normal University. In 2019, she authored and published a book entitled "Step in‧Site-Specific Dance Performance by Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company".

Resident planning

"During my residency, I will walk through the various spaces of the Taiwan Literature Base, outlining the contours of the dance in writing. Each article travels through a different landscape in time and space, following the dance of imaginary figures created by "imaginary choreography". I will heed to the familiar chant in my heart, contemplate the historical memory of the buildings, connecting the path of my life. Then I suddenly found: ... a dancer wandering in front of me, or alone in the Japanese dormitory complex, with the sunlight lengthening his silhouette, conversing on questions about life. Or I see three or two dancers in front of the lush turf, jumping and leisurely wandering on the grass, interlocking hands and looking at each other while spinning. The long sleeves swept up by the wind, the banyan tree also smiled with them. ..." (Photo courtesy of/ Liu Ren-Hao)

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