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【Taiwan Literature Base】WiR Regular Activity: Interweavings | 經緯

2025.01.02Hannah Stevens & Will Buckingham
WiR Regular Activity (January 18, January 25)


 WiR Regular Activity 



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 Hannah Stevens & Will Buckingham


  • British writers Dr Hannah Stevens & Dr Will Buckingham run a social enterprise named Wind&Bones, which is dedicated to exploring the transformative power of writing and storytelling. They work across the globe with organizations and individuals on projects that bring together writing, creativity and social change. Now resident in Taiwan, Hannah and Will continue to work on projects that harness the power of writing and storytelling to enlarge the imagination and bring into being new possibilities. Hannah's books include In their Absence (Roman Books 2021), a collection of short stories exploring themes of missing people, and On the Bodies of Strangers (forthcoming 2025). Will's books include novels, nonfiction, philosophy and books for children. His most recent book is Hello, Stranger: Stories of Connection in a Divided World (Granta Books 2022).



 Session 1 

Interweavings|經緯:Writing Workshop


  Date   January 18th (Sat.) 2PM - 4PM

  Location   Muse Garden


  A creative workshop, open to the public, exploring how our identities, both individually and collectively, are woven of multiple threads. This will be led as a bilingual workshop in English and Mandarin, and participants are invited to write in any language they wish.




 Session 2 

Interweavings|經緯:Public Reading


  Date   January 25th (Sat.) 2PM - 4PM

  Location   Muse Garden


  A public reading of the work produced over the two-week period, and a reflection on how we ourselves have woven and interwoven the threads of our lives — as we build and renew connections, and find new questions to ask about the diversity of stories that make up the ever-shifting tapestry that is Taiwan. The readings will be largely in English, with some Mandarin.



 Notice   English will be main language in this activity.


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