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2024 Writers-in-Residence of Taiwan Literature Base - List of Selected Writers

2024.06.22Taiwan Literature Base
2024 Writers-in-Residence of Taiwan Literature Base - List of Selected Writers


2024 Writers-in-Residence of Taiwan Literature Base

List of Selected Writers




The Taiwan Literature Base (TLB) of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature held a call for applications for the 2024 Writers-in-Residence Program. A total of 54 applications were received online, and after evaluation by the jury, 16 were selected and 5 were accepted on the waiting list. TLB's 2024 Writer-in-Residence Program will commence in August 2024. The results of the jury selection are as follows.


The following are the names of the selected resident writers and their residency projects (listed in accordance with the number of strokes of their sinograph names):


  1. Annelous STIGGELBOUT

〈Bringing more Taiwanese literature to the Netherlands〉

  1. Hannah Stevens & Will Buckingham

〈Interweavings: A Tapestry of Taiwan Stories〉

  1. Hilda Hoy

〈More Than Words〉

  1. Lilith Acadia

〈In Summer, the World Hugs You〉

  1. O Thiam Chin

〈The Light and Air Between Us〉

  1. Radka Denemarková

〈A novel titled "Nanning Street"〉

  1. Scott E. Simon

〈Life on the Flyway: Human-Bird Entanglements and Cultures along the Kuroshio Black Current〉

  1. Tran Minh Hop

〈Cá Lù Đù (Silver Croaker) 〉

  1. Lucie Olivova

〈The Reception of Taiwanese Literature in Czechia: Looking Back〉

  1. Craig A. Smith

〈Taiwan's Inter-Asian Translation: The Work of Ono Mamoru〉

  1. Rumi Yoshida

〈The New Challenge of a Picture Book Author: Creating New Stories in Taiwan〉

  1. Yu-Hsuan Lin

〈Before Saiwaichō: The Historical Investigation and Literary adaptation of Sam-pán-kiô〉

  1. Mongyat

〈Writing Plan for Chapters Three and Four of the Novel "Aliens"〉

  1. Wei-Yu Liao

〈Sliced Panorama: 003〉

  1. Yi-Chen Tsai

〈Experiencers: Short Story Writing〉

  1. Hon Lai Chu

〈Living in the Darkness〉


* 5 candidates are on the waiting list (if there are any vacancies, they will be filled in the order of selection).


Details of the agreed residency dates with each respective writer will be announced on the official website and Facebook fan page of TLB.


The list of judges for this year is as follows (listed in accordance with the number of strokes of their sinograph names):

Ian Rowen, Nikky Lin, Chia-Hsien Yang, Ting-Kang Liu, and Hung-Ya Yen


Contact address: Taiwan Literature Base (No. 27, Section 2, Jinan Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan)

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