

2024.07.17Tran Minh Hop(陳明合)


 駐村作家系列活動/WiR Regular Activity 

書寫生命/Write the Life







 Tran Minh Hop(陳明合)


  • 越南作家,文化管理學碩士,曾任大學講師
  • 現為國立東華大學亞太區域研究博士班學生
  • 迄今已經創作兩百餘篇散文及短篇小說作品
  • 曾製作兩百集關懷貧窮的實境節目,並發行於越南知名媒體
  • 2011 年胡志明市青年作家獎得主


  • Tran Minh Hop studied Security Studies for a Bachelor's degree and Cultural Management for a Master's degree. He used to work as a university lecturer. Currently, he is studying in the Ph.D. Program in Asia-Pacific Regional Studies at National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan.
  • He started to write when he was a high school student with a few pieces of prose for teenage Newspapers. Until now, he wrote more than two hundred fiction and nonfiction articles such as short stories and realistic prose, and two hundred episodes for a reality television show about impoverished people, all of which were published for circulation within well-known Vietnamese official communication agencies. Then those articles were collected and commercially published into ten books.
  • Literature Rewards:
    Runner-up in the teenage newspaper's literary contest for Vietnamese writers under 18 years of age (2006).
    Winner of the Ho Chi Minh City Young Writer Award (2011).



 場次 1/Activity 1 

Realistic Fiction - Write the Poor


  時間/Date   08/03(六/Sat.)15:00 - 17:00

  地點/Location   繆思苑/Muse Garden



I will introduce the literature genre of realistic fiction. To illustrate, several of my works of realistic fiction which were inspired by the Vietnamese poor people will be taken as examples. The activity includes a discussion on realistic fiction such as how to explore a topic for realistic fiction writing, and individually, how I write real stories of the poor in the South of Vietnam.




 場次 2/Activity 2 

Let’s Write Taiwan - the 'Walk' Method


  時間/Date   08/10(六/Sat.)15:00 - 17:00

  地點/Location   繆思苑/Muse Garden



At the event, I will share with the audience my first Vietnamese-published piece of prose 'Walk, Taiwan' which was written by employing the Walk-See-Hear-Smell method (WSHS). Additionally, all of the participants will be expected to practice using the WSHS method to write things and share their writings at the event. Participants can walk around the Taiwan Literature Base.




 場次 3/Activity 3 

Very Short Story - Write Social Phenomena


  時間/Date   08/17(六/Sat.)15:00 - 17:00

  地點/Location   繆思苑/Muse Garden


在最後一場講座中,作家將向觀眾分享他對「超短篇小說」的理解與創作經驗,尤其是如何透過這個文類書寫各種社會現象。講座最後也將開放 Q&A 時間供觀眾提問,歡迎踴躍提問。

I will share with the participants my understanding and experience about the genre of very short story. Especially, how to write social phenomena in the form of 'very short story.' A discussion including Q&A will be included.



注意:以上系列活動將主要以華語進行。Mandarin will be main language in these activities.


